About Comet ZTF

A few facts about the comet in the news:

1. Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) was discovered in March 2022 at the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF), at Palomar Observatory in Southern California. the C means a non-periodic (long term orbit greater than 200 years) that has never been previously observed. The E stands for the half-month of discovery (January A/B February C/D, March E/F) The 3 means the third comet discovered in that half-month.

2. ZTF is the first comet visible to the naked eye since Neowise in 2020. At its brightest ZTF will appear as a faint green smudge if you are away from city lights, the atmosphere is clear, and the moon does not interfere.

3. Observers in the Nothern Hemisphere have favorable views through the end of April because it stays circumpolar (above the horizon) all night.

4. Realistically, get access to any pair of binoculars or a small telescope if you want to see it. At its brightest illumination its is only marginally visible to the naked eye.

5. The green glow of a comet comes from the breakdown of diatomic carbon and cyanogen in the tail spread by solar wind.

6. This is a comet from deep in the solar system with a 50,000 year period of orbit. It will be at perigee 27 million miles from earth on February 2. The full moon will interfere with viewing.

7. With good binoculars, you can find the comet in the northern sky anytime January through February all night. In March and April, you will likely need a telescope to find the comet.

8. This comet was already inside the orbit of Jupiter (less than 400 million miles from earth) when first detected.

Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) | TheSkyLive.com